“AtKisson Group” ceased operations in 2018 and closed permanently in 2021

A successor, the Sustainability Accelerator Network, is managed by Systainability Asia

This website is an archive that still links to a network of firms, foundations, individual experts, and university centers of expertise who are dedicated to sustainability. Members of the Sustainability Accelerator Network still offer advisory, training, research and communications services.

If you came to this site searching for information on the AtKisson Group or founder Alan AtKisson, please be advised that the company is closed and that Alan AtKisson is now a government official working for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (“Sida”). For information on the Accelerator tools, which are now owned and managed by Compass Education, Inc., please see the “Tools” section of this website.


Our History

AtKisson Group worked at the forefront of sustainability for 26 years. The Sustainability Accelerator Network continues that tradition.

In 1990, Alan AtKisson co-founded Sustainable Seattle, a volunteer initiative later recognized by the United Nations as a model project in urban sustainability and indicator development. He established a small consultancy in 1992, and Sustainable Seattle became his first pro bono client.

AtKisson’s ultimate aim was to spread sustainability ideas more quickly and accelerate change. His early consulting projects for cities, foundations, and international initiatives around the world led to the creation of tools and methods to support integrated planning; indicators and analysis; transformative organizational development; training for change agents; and other elements of what later became standard practice in sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

AtKisson’s 1999 bestseller Believing Cassandra – How to be an optimist in a pessimist’s world introduced concepts such as “sustainability change agent” and creating sustainability transformation through accelerated innovation. His keynote speeches and seminars, often including musical interludes and interactive exercises, electrified audiences ranging from research scientists to business executives, and from high school students to military officers.

By 2001, the AtKisson Group had established its second office in Stockholm, Sweden (where Alan lives — he is a dual citizen of the US and Sweden). By 2010, there were AtKisson Group Affiliates and partners in France, Germany, Poland, Thailand, Japan, Australia, Mexico and other countries. While the AtKisson Group remained small in business terms, its clients included global icons such as Nike, Levi Strauss, Volvo Cars, WWF, and numerous governments, as well as the United Nations Secretariat.

The AtKisson brand name was always associated with top quality services, using creative methods, based on long experience, delivered with unquestioned integrity, as well as high returns on sustainability investment. Its successor, the Sustainability Accelerator Network (SusAccel), includes members equally dedicated to helping clients achieve genuine success in sustainability — quickly, strategically, and reliably.

The AtKisson Group was a trusted source of

Decision support, analysis, tools & training

View our work

AtKisson Group History 1992-2018, by the Numbers

Organizational clients served
Projects completed
Countries worked in
Level of satisfaction that is guaranteed

Helping the people who make sustainability happen

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